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Ron Lugbill

Thanks for commenting Jamie. Appreciate your input. Brings up the issue of what is a solid basis to make decisions on- scientific research, years of experience and observation, tradition, examples of winning athletes, or other basis? What if there is a big difference between what the research seems to be saying versus what the top athletes are doing?

We end up doing our own "research" with our own careers as athletes or with other people's lives as coaches. We see lots of other athletes and how they train and try to draw our own conclusions based upon what we have seen and experienced.

Anyway, thanks for the comment.


As I recall, two of the athletes who did the largest volume of training in the 1980's were Richard Fox and Jon Lugbill. Is it happenstance that these two had the best results?

This possibility strikes me as very likely: "Or, perhaps the few athletes who rise to the top are the ones whose bodies can withstand the high volume of training and those without the genetic ability to recover quickly overtrain in order to emulate the top athletes when they would actually perform better with more rest?"

There was a time when I decided to flirt with overtraining for months on end in order to groove the correct technique, which I felt required a great volume of water time. Then I was very careful not to overtrain for the last months before the year's big competition. I'm still not positive this was the right approach ... but it seemed to work.

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