Here are the 5 Ps- plyometrics, push-ups, pull-ups, planks and prehab. Combine some of each of these 5 ps to make a variety of great workouts without any weights- just bodyweight. Bodyweight exercises are excellent- they are functional, they involve the core, they help avoid injury. And you can do them in your home, on the road, etc. without the need for any equipment.
After a dynamic movement warm-up (no slow stretching prior to workout!), start out with the power moves- plyometrics. Plyos build power, quick strength through the whole range of motion. So, they should be done fast. I put the plyos at the beginning so you are fresh and not tired, so the movements are fast. Do not overdo the reps on plyos. max. 10 reps so you don't slow down, but you can do several sets. Here are some good choices:
clap push-ups-
squat jumps-
pull-up drop-
chest drop plyo push-up-
medicine ball pass-
chest drop kneeling push-up-
After the plyos, do some push-ups. Push-ups are great exercises. The body is in a plank position, so it develops core stability and strength in addition to developing the chest, arms and back. Do the various push-up variations, such as:
eccentric push-ups- go down slowly for 6 seconds, then come back up fast.
isometric push-ups- stop at the bottom of the push-up and hold for 6 seconds, then come back up fast.
triangle push-ups- put your hands together in to form a triangle and do push-ups
fingertip push-ups- do a push-up with just your fingertips on the floor, not your palms.
archer push-ups- do a push-up towards the right hand, back up, then down towards the left hand.
push-ups with one hand further forward and one hand further back. then switch hands.
one arm push-ups-
medicine ball push-ups-
push-up with twist-
Next, do some pull-ups. Pull-ups are an excellent exercise also. You don't have to have a pull-up bar. You can use a strong paddle, closet rod, shovel handle, etc. and put it across 2 tables or kitchen counters to do horizontal pull-ups. Or have 2 guys hold up a paddle or rod at waist level and do horizontal pull-ups. Horizontal pull-ups are excellent functional exercises, which help develop the core and balance the shoulder muscles as well as developing the arms, back and shoulders. Here are some variations:
eccentric pull-ups-
isometric pull-ups-
one arm pull-ups-
archer pull-ups-
horizontal pull-ups-
pull-ups with hands together
Planks are next in the workout. They develop the core. But don't just stay in the standard plank position. Do the variations and other core exercises to further develop your core strength in various ways. You need to develop the various muscles, so changing exercises and doing variations is helpful. And do other types of core work besides planks. Here are some suggestions for various core exercises:
modified side plank with leg raise-
plank walking on hands and toes-
single leg plank-
bird dog-
alternating v-up-
prone ab twist-
inch worm-
bicycle crunch-
reverse plank-
Finally, comes prehab, which is aimed at preventing injury. Actually, most of the other exercises listed above have an injury prevention component to them. For example, any type of push-up or horizontal pull-up are in the plank position and help develop the core. This helps prevent injury. Shoulders are a vulnerable bodypart for paddlers, and the balance of push-ups with horizontal pull-ups helps balance the shoulder muscles to help prevent shoulder injury.
Strength training generally helps prevent injury, particularly if its functional, involves multiple muscles, is balanced and exercises opposing muscles and uses bodyweight. The core exercises you just did also help prevent injury by strengthening the muscles of the core to resist any movement that might do harm to your body. Stronger muscles can help keep your body from getting twisted and injured.
Here are some good prehab exercises to help prevent injury:
shoulder prehab exercises-
arm circles overhead-
cuban press-
lateral arm raise-
shoulder external rotation-
shoulder wall slides-
shoulder prehab exercises-
back prehab exercises-
hanging from a bar-
Finish the workout with a warm-down and some easy stretching. Now you can do your slow stretching or yoga exercises.
Choose a couple of exercises from each of the 5 ps to make up your workout. You can make up several different workouts by picking different exercises of each of the 5 ps and then rotate through several different workouts. This is more effective than just sticking with one workout all the time. You will make more progress by rotating through several different workouts than just doing the same workout all the time. Write down a couple different workouts using different exercises from each of the 5 ps.
And you can vary the number of sets and reps from workout to workout. For example, 3 sets of 10 is a common workout. Or 5 sets of 5 reps. Or, you can just do one set. And you can vary the amount of rest, for example 1 minute or 2 minutes or 3 minutes between exercises. And you can vary the order of the exercises or do a circuit.
Without using any weights or going to the gym, you can do lots of different workouts. Sorry, there are no more excuses. Anyone can workout anywhere without equipment. Some of the above exercises may call for a bar or a ball or light weights, but you can either avoid those exercises or adapt them by using full water bottles for weights, or a paddle as a bar, or a backpack full of books as an extra weight on your back.
These bodyweight exercises are not a poor excuse for lifting weights. In many ways, they are superior to lifting weights because they are functional and develop the core and help prevent injury. The only challenge is that just doing push-ups all the time, you will plateau or stop making progress. So, switch it up and do variations and keep changing the workouts so you continue to make progress.
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