Bodyweight Plan Month 2 Concentric Phase
For the inverted rows (horizontal pull-ups), you can use a bar, or if you don’t have one, you can use a rod or tool handle or you can even do them under a table and grab both sides of the table.
4 sets for each exercise. 1 rep. Rest for 1 minute between each set and between each exercise. If this is too hard, do fewer sets. If it’s too easy, do more sets, but don’t do more reps. Keep it at 1-2 reps. If you do more reps, the movement speed isn’t as fast.
These exercises are great functional exercises, meant to develop the core and power and concentric strength.
These functional exercises are intended to work on basic movements such as pushing, pulling, jumping, and core stability and also for injury prevention.
Make sure you maintain excellent form when you do these exercises. If you are too tired to do the exercise with perfect form, then you should stop for the day. Do not go to failure- stop before you slow down.
- Start with a dynamic warm-up such as jogging, jumping jacks, burpees and alternate toe touches (no slow stretching). 3-5 minutes.
- One arm pull-up. 1 repetition. 4 sets. 1 minute rest. Work towards doing a one arm pull-up. Here is a link:
- Handstand push-ups. 1 repetition. 4 sets. 1 minute rest. Work towards doing a handstand push-up. Link:
- Pistol Squats. 1 repetition. 4 sets. 1 minute rest. Work towards doing a pistol squat:
Try to go down to parallel with floor. At first, you might have to go down less.
- One Arm inverted row. 1 repetition. 4 sets. 1 minute rest.
- One Arm Push-ups. 1 repetition. 4 sets. 1 min. rest.
- Front Lever. 1 repetition. 4 sets. 1 min. rest.
- Abs. Do 4 sets. 1 minute rest between each rep. Here are the links:L-Sit. Hold your hands down at your sides with your feet in front. Lift entire body off floor with your hands.
- At first, you may need blocks under your hands. At first, you can do it with only lifting one leg. Then the other.
- Shoulder Rotator Cuff Exercise.
Bar hang. Hang from a pull-up bar as long as you can. Relax. Breath deeply.
- Running sprints. 5 second sprints. 4 reps. 2 minute rest.
- Finish with some easy stretching/yoga type exercises. Example: