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Ron Lugbill

Allen, Thanks for your comment. Yes, I agree on natural rivers. A lot of paddlers are angled too much downstream on the approach. It is worth it to go out of your way to get a good approach to an up. Many people don't realize this and just want to go directly to the upstream instead of getting on the line to do the up as fast as possible. The 1/10 of a second you lose on the approach is more than made up on the upstream gate.
But then when once the guys learn this on a natural river, like the Nantahala, they have to unlearn it when they get to artificial courses like Charlotte. On artificial courses, if you are going across too much towards an up, you get spun out on the eddy line instead of driving in deep in the eddy to the fast upstream current. So, you end up wasting a lot of time and energy paddling upstream on the treadmill when you could be riding the fast current up and out of the gate.

Ällen Mäyers

Great summary of the "rules". Intermediate paddlers frequently come into an upstream to fast and angled too far downstream, then lose all the momentum in getting through the up ... with no reserve left to reaccelerate the boat. They are better served by setting the optimal approach angle into the upstream to take advantage of the eddy, and executing easy glide (clean) in, and hard acceleration out.

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